IoD East of England – Funding & Grants for Businesses – learn what’s available and your eligibility
Event details
Free event
Past dates
- Tue Feb 23rd 2021 | 8:30 am till 10:00 am
Whether you have an established business and looking for an injection of capital, or a start up hoping to get additional support, knowing what grant schemes and funding opportunities are currently available and suitable for your business isn’t always easy.
In these challenging times IoD appreciate that Directors need as much support as possible. Following on from the success of IoD Essex’s previous event on funding opportunities for business.
This webinar organised by IoD East of England brings together a sample of organisations, all offering guidance on their grant schemes and funding opportunities including equity investment, match funding, start up loans and much more.
You will have the opportunity to hear from each of the representatives about their organisations and how they may be able to support your business, followed by an invitation to move to virtual breakout rooms of your choice where you will be able to discuss and ask questions with representatives directly.