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IoD Essex: The Brexit Roundtable – A Forward Look to Growing the Essex Economy

Event details

Free event

The Costa Roastery
Christopher Martin Rd, Basildon SS14, UK

Past dates
  • Wed Feb 12th 2020 | 8:00 am till 10:00 am
The Costa Roastery

Christopher Martin Rd, Basildon SS14, UK

This event is brought to you by IoD Essex, Santander and Basildon Council.

The event at Costa’s Roastery in Basildon will not just be an opportunity to hear from our guest speakers but to open up a lively discussion for businesses in Essex.

  • In uncertain times what are the opportunities?
  • How can businesses in Essex work more collaboratively?
  • What are the supports your business needs?Is there anything you would like to feedback to the Cabinet office?

We will be joined by keynote speaker Vicky Pryce and also have representatives from the Cabinet Office to provide a government update.
Breakfast will be provided and there is parking available on site.


Vicky PryceChief Economic Adviser and Board Member
Centre for Economics and Business Research (CEBR)

Vicky Pryce is Chief Economic Adviser and a board member at the Centre for Economics and Business Research (CEBR). She was previously Senior Managing Director at FTI Consulting, Director General for Economics at the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) and Joint Head of the UK Government Economic Service. Before that she was Partner at the accounting and consulting firm KPMG after senior economic positions in banking and the oil sector.

She holds a number of academic posts and is a Fellow and Council member of the UK Academy for Social Sciences, a Fellow of the Society of Professional Economists and a Companion of the British Academy of Management. She sits on the Advisory Board of the central banking think-tank OMFIF, on the Economic Advisory Group of the British Chambers of Commerce and until recently also on the Council of the Institute for Fiscal Studies.

Her books include: “Greekonomics: The Euro crisis and Why Politicians Don’t Get It”; and “Why Women Need Quotas” which argues the economic case for women’s increased participation in the economy. She is a Freeman and Liveryman of the City of London, was the first female Master of the Worshipful Company of Management Consultants (a City Livery Company), and sits on the City’s Members Diversity Working Party. She is also a member of the International Women’s Forum (IWF) and of Women Corporate Directors (WCD). She has written and debated extensively on women’s issues and her book ‘Women vs Capitalism’ is due out in the autumn.

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